Surviving Christmas - Conversations

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Surviving Christmas - Conversations
Lisa Henry, Bereavement Coordinator/Counsellor at Wakefield Hospice, shares her helpful tips around dealing with loss and bereavement at Christmas.

Tis the season, but Tis also just the one day…

"Christmas seems to arrive earlier and earlier every year, with Christmas decorations and Quality Street tins lining the supermarket aisles from as early as September. But it is important to remember, at the end of the day, Christmas is just one day. Many people dealing with loss can find the months and months of Christmas build up difficult to deal with as it appears to be everywhere – but keep in mind that after the 25th December, those adverts will soon be gone again for another year.
Don’t be afraid to ask, and don’t be afraid of the response…

"I often get people asking “How do I speak to someone who has lost a loved one”, a conversation people can find extra-challenging at Christmas-time. I would encourage you to ask the question, as long as you are prepared to accept the answer, this might be short, long, happy or sad, but resist the tendency to avoid it through fear of what to say.

"The most important part in the conversation is remaining engaged throughout the reply, it shouldn’t just be a token gesture, ask the question with sincerity and recognise the value of being present for the reply- an individual will remember your warmth more than your words.

"If you live away from a friend/family member who has lost a loved one or can’t dedicate the time for a visit, a text indicating you are thinking of someone can show you have some concept of what a challenge the holiday might bring."

Read More:
Surviving Christmas - Intro
Surviving Christmas - Acknowledging Differences
Surviving Christmas - Finding the right balance
Surviving Christmas - Five Festive Tips