Our Bereavement Services

Our Bereavement Service supports family, friends and important others of patients who have died and who were known to us at Wakefield Hospice. The support is free and confidential and individuals can self-refer using the contact form.

Contact form

Bereavement Services

Our team is well established, experienced and diverse and made up of a counsellor, nurses, health care assistant, complementary therapist, and volunteers including student counsellors.

We aim to contact families four to six weeks after their bereavement by telephone, to ask if any support and advice might be helpful at this time.

Once contact has been made with the team, you will have an opportunity to discuss your circumstances and explore your current needs with the bereavement support worker and in turn will be advised of the therapies and support available which might feel most appropriate to meet your needs at this time.
Some of this support may be by specified appointment and time limited, in addition they may take place remotely e.g. listening support via telephone, online Teams support, accessing regular topics and wellbeing advice and sessions on our website until our face to face services resume more fully. 

We recognise that grief is a unique experience, it is not the same for everyone and we support an individual in a way that is timely and meaningful to them.

We do not have a limit on the amount of time our service can be accessed, but we do review our support regularly and as a guide if support is required beyond 2 years we might feel your needs might be best supported elsewhere and we can discuss this with you.

Children’s Bereavement Support

We also offer support for children. For more information please visit our 'support for children' page or click on the link below.

Supporting children

Peer Bereavement Support Group

We are pleased to announce that our Peer Support Bereavement Group will begin on Thursday 16th June 2022
This Group will run 9am to 12noon in the Seymour Suite (Day Therapy Unit).

It will run in addition to our Newly Bereaved Group which will run alternative weeks. This group is suited to individuals who have been bereaved within the last 2 years and are known to the hospice. Staff will be available for support, but predominantly we aim for this group to be a peer/self-supporting group.

Groups will be run fortnightly with updates posted here. Numbers are limited to 10 to keep our clients, staff and hospice safe. Protocols are in place regarding PPE/LFT. These will be discussed with you prior to attending.

Please express your interest by contacting: Lisa Henry – Bereavement Counsellor/Coordinator on 01924 331400 or if you have any questions regarding our Bereavement support and listening support.

Bereavement Group

Our Bereavement Groups run from 9am to 12:30pm in the Seymour Suite (Day Therapy Unit).

This group is suited to individuals who have been bereaved less than 12 months and are known to the Hospice.

Groups will be run fortnightly with updated dates posted here.

Numbers are limited to keep our clients, staff and hospice safe.

Please express your interest by contacting: Lisa Henry - Bereavement Coordinator on 01924 331400


Bereavement service FAQ

How will I know when I don't need to come anymore?

We cannot be a 'forever service' - everyone's experience of bereavement is different and so their needs are different. We aim to help you to develop coping strategies, through emotional support and counselling, through creative activities and spiritual support, relaxation and complementary therapies. Some people find it is helpful to meet and talk with others who are going through something similar. Whatever your situation, we will discuss your needs with you and together develop a plan support that is suitable.

If you are someone who comes regularly we will periodically catch up with you to see how our support is helping you and how you are coping and we may suggest changes if appropriate.

Some people find it helpful to come every week for a while and then later, just now and again, perhaps on a bad day or during a difficult time, eg. around an anniversary or other significant date. Others come specifically for counselling, spiritual support or complementary therapy treatments. Some people come early on in their bereavement and others after some time. Everyone is different and we try to be as flexible as we can to support you as you progress through your bereavement and are more ready to move on.

Think of us as a 'stepping stone' or a means to an end, where you begin to adjust to living with your loss and finding new meanings in your life.
Wakefield Hospice supports the West Yorkshire & Harrogate Partnership Helpline

You may find their website useful. It can be accessed via the link below.

Dr Susie Willis from the Royal Belfast Hospital for Sick Children has given permission to share the 'Saying Goodbye' booklet and film to help children coping with bereavement.